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July 6th, 1942, 

This is our first day of being stuck in this attic. It is in an apartment behind my father’s old business and the owners were kind enough to let us stay. We owe them our lives now; thanks to them we might be able to survive this war. It is cold and dark, I wish we were in the country, but still, it’s better than being dead. 

June 12th, 1943, 

It is my birthday today ant this nearly marks a whole year of being in here. The most exciting thing that has happened so far is my parents’ Jewish friend’s family have moved in with us but really, it’s not that exiting, it just means more mouths to feed. At least it is company, we haven’t seen anyone for the whole time we’ve been in here apart from the workers downstairs. It gets lonely here and being stuck with my family is horrible. That is all I have to say today. 

December 31st, 1943, 

Today is a new day and tomorrow is a new year. I can’t wait, we are all going to stay up and watch the clock strike 12:00. It feels strange being in the same enclosed space for over a year. Seeing the same glum faces when I awaken to the marching of Nazi soldiers early in the dawn, their shiny, black shoes tapping the damp morning stone walkways. It is becoming monotonous, and the same books being read over and over. 

April 26th, 1943, 

There is nothing significant about today but being here makes most days not special. I feel like this war will never end and we will be hiding for the rest of our lives. Some days I get really scared because I hear Nazi soldiers marching in the streets and every time this happens it feels like it’s one step closer to all of us being found. 

December 25th , 1943, 

It is my favorite holiday today. The main reason it is my favorite is because we get to eat a feast that the workers downstairs bring up to us. This feast includes all sorts of meats, potatoes, salad, and lots of fruit to share. It is also very cold so hot food is a delight to eat. 

August 3rd , 1944, 

At this point it feels like the war will never end. We have been here for so long that I am losing my mind, all of us are. Earlier today I could hear people outside and I was told to keep quiet. We didn’t know who they were, but I think they had a suspicion we were here.  

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