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Why is Anne Frank notable?   

Anne was born on the 12th of June 1929, and when she was just 10 years old war had broken out across the entire world. During this war, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, was taking over countries and locking up Jewish people in concentration camps. These Jewish citizens were soon to be killed. Anne and her family were all Jewish and because of this they were forced into hiding. 

Anne was most famous for her diary that has sold over 30 million copies, as well as being and translated into many languages. She received this diary for her 13th birthday and wrote in it nearly every day after that. When people read this diary, it makes them feel empathy and shows them what it was like to be hiding from people who are trying to kill you.  

In her diary she also wrote about how it was hard to not go outside or make noises until lunch, and she had to live in such a small area while sharing the space with 7 other people. But even though the area was small, and she didn’t really like the people she had to live with, but she was happy that she was safe for the moment. 

 Anne had been in the attic for 761 days before sadly Anne and everyone else were found and taken to the concentration camp called Bergen-Belson. At the camp there was a lack of food, it was cold and wet and there were contagious diseases going around. This led to Anne and her sister both dying to typhus. Margot, the sister, died first with Anne passing away shortly after. 

Anne Frank is notable because she was optimistic, unselfish, and strong and for some, she has been someone to look up to. Her story will be remembered for a long time. 

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